Monday, March 21, 2011

Questions For Bartleby (Character)

Protagonist / Antagonist? - what is the Boss up against in the person of Bartleby?
Does Bartleby represent a force beyond himself as an individual?
Major / Minor (Who are the major players in the story? What do we know about them? Are they likable? Sympathetic? Realistic? What's the function of the story's minor characters?)
Dynamic / Static-Who changes? Who stays the same? Is the story about growth or change?
Round / Flat-Who is the round character? Who are the flat characters?

The protagonist of "Bartleby the scrivener: a story of Wall- street" was Bartleby and the antogonist was The owner of the office, and the 3 other clerks .The Boss hates how Bartleby always tells him"I perfer not to", how weird Bartleby was, and the fact that he did not talk , eat or leave the office, he was like a robot. Bartleby repersented a force beyond himself as an individual by refusing everything , keeping things to himself, for example being independent no one knew about him, all the boss knew was that he was a good writer and a very anti social person, Bartleby ignoring his boss changed his ways of acting. The major characters were the boss and Bartleby and the minor characters were Nipper, Turkey and Ginger nut. From my opinion Nipper is very weird man , he does not know what he wants in life and he is between evil power Ambition and indigestion . Turkey was a short English man, in the morning he was quiet but after his lunch time which was at 12 o'clock he became very happy and energetic,he was eccentric and he was not careful he made blots of ink all over papers, he was also old of age. Ginger nut was the a 12 year old boy, he was a tech cleaner, sweaper the son of a carman. Ginger nut had a small desk that he wouldn't use, and he always brought small flat cakes for Nippers and Turkey. The boss owns an office in #10 Wallstreet, he was an old man, he was never a challenging lawyer, for example he wasn't a goal aspiring person. Bartleby is the one person who is not likable, he doesn't satisfy everyone. The functions of the minor characters which are Nipper , Turkey and Ginger nut was to show what the boss had to go through everyday, make the story dynamic and also to show who The boss really was, so the reader could tell if he was selfish, which he was. Nipper , Turkey and Giner nut, and Bartleby are the characters that do not change. As a result the character that does change is The Boss, he becomes an unselfish man and a caring man,he began to see life in a different way. The boss separated Bartleby from humanity, he started to think that we humans are all equal no matter how different everyone is and when Bartleby died he felt horrible. This story is about Change, because Bartleby changed the boss into being a better person , unlike how he the boss was in the beginning of the story. The round characters in this story are Bartleby and the boss, nipper and Turkey. The flat characters are Ginger nut, Bartleby sometimes..

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